
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well- Here we are.....already married for a month. Crazy, huh?  Where does the time go?  It's been a blast so far. We're always smiling, laughing and having a good ol' time.  Life couldn't be better!  We've decided that since neither one of us are so good at writing in a journal or recording our experiences together, we better start a blog!  We'll see if we can do better with this. :)

To start off our blog, we thought we should start with what began this little journey together- our engagement!  Here are some of our pictures that Jessica''s AMAZING cousin Marilee took down in Payson, Utah.  Let us tell you, there are some incredible places down there- fun walls, doors and alleys.  SO FUN! :)

Those are a few of our favorite pictures- hope you enjoy them! :)  So much fun!


  1. AWWW! so glad i was there to witness the cuteness! you guys rock! cant wait to read more!

  2. You guys are so awesome! I'm so glad you found each other. Jessica you were so GORGEOUS in your wedding gown (Bryson looked nice too, but ya know). We excited to come visit sometime! Can't wait to see more about your crazy adventures in Rexburg :)
