So after touring the ship (which was incredible by the way) and having a fun first night eating, exploring, swimming and more eating, we had a great nights sleep on a memory foam bed and woke up in France! Our first stop was Toulon. We had signed up to go on a tour to Marseilles. Totally the place where the Count of Monte Cristo takes place- which in case you didn't know, is my favorite movie!!!!! (Jessica)
The landscape was beautiful!
Chateau D'lf!!!!!!!!! the real one!!!!!! :) (that's the prison island that edmond dantes was held prisoner!)
A beautiful chapel at the top of the hill. They were holding mass while we were there. The music was beautiful.
A closer view!!!!!!!
This was such a beautiful site.....we only got like five minutes there.....I wish we could have explored more!
A beautiful sunset from the ship deck
We were invited to a honeymooners party that night and there was a drawing for prizes. Ironically, the only two non alcoholic drinkers present (us) won the grand prize $200 drink. We laughed for a bit and then gave it back to them to re-give.
Luckily- I felt ok cause I got to eat my fill of chocolate strawberries- MUCH better than any old alcohol!
Next, was Nice, Monaco and Monte Carlo. We rode a boat into the harbor and were greeted with this beautiful site!
no comment....haha, just couldn't resist
There were beautiful purple flowers EVERYWHERE!
This is the cathedral where princess grace kelly is buried
It was full of beautiful mosaics
Bryson was in awe of the organ
Grace Kelly's grave
The palace where Grace Kelly lived when she became the princess
Bryson and I were exploring the skinny little streets and found this gorgeous church. You never would have known it was there- a tiny door in tons of connecting buildings opened up into this. It was so peaceful.
Monaco.....pretty much the richest city in the world. It was crazy. The most expensive home in the world is in this sold for over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION dollars. I think I could buy a country with that.
All the architecture was beautiful. Everything was clean and very fancy
Seriously....every single car in the city was a sports car or luxury car. They were all new, clean and shiny. It was insane
There it is- the 300-something million dollar house!
Real French Onion soup......mmmmmmm. SO DELICIOUS
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