
Monday, October 10, 2011

New Ward, farewell my little precious sunbeams! :(

So, the family ward that we have been in has changed.  The Stake was up for some boundary changes and we were the part that got shaved off and put into a different ward.  This change got us to thinking about whether we should continue going to a family ward or start going to the married student ward.  Unsure of where exactly we are supposed to go, we went to both on Sunday.  We both feel that we need to start going to the married student ward, which I am really excited about.  I loved the family ward, and learned so much, but feel that there are things we can learn in the married student ward that we will never have the opportunity to experience again.  We're excited to get to know some more couples that are more similar to where we are right now.  It should be good.

We are no longer sunbeam teachers which is very sad.  We were automatically released when the ward boundaries changed.  I loved those kids so much and Bryson did too.  But because of the ward split, we know that we learned everything Heavenly Father wanted us to learn in that calling for now, and he is now telling us to move on to the student ward.  We'll see what adventures are in store for us now!

In honor of my sunbeams, I wanted to tell a funny story from one of our darling little girls, Mei.  She is the cutest little thing and absolutely hilarious!  She's a little diva and says the funniest things.  She has a tendency to be dramatic and when something doesn't go her way, she'll say with the most precious little pouty face, "you're making me saaaad!"  Then she will proceed to grab her chair and drag it to the corner and sit there facing the wall talking about how sad she is.  You can't really do anything but laugh until she decides her 'terrible sadness' is over and joins the group again. haha- seriously LOVE this little girl.  Bryson and I would die trying not to laugh every time this happened.  One week, Bryson decided to try her own trick on her.  She was doing something silly (can't remember what) when we were trying to teach the lesson and Bryson turns to her and says, "'re making me sad!"  Mei then looked right at Bryson and said, pointing, "Go sit in the corner!"  hahahahahaha- i could NOT control my giggles this time as Bryson stared at this smart little girl in shock.  Maybe you had to be there, but I assure you, it was HILARIOUS!

I miss my sunbeams!!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Kings of Yellowstone!!!!!!!!!!

So for our big activity with Keegan and Jaycee, we decided to take them to yellowstone.  The kids had never seen a buffalo, so we set out to make their day! :) We decided to camp and packed up practically everything in our know, 'just in case.'  Wow, it's amazing how much stuff you need for a 38 hour period.  It was a blast though.  We saw as much of the park as we could see!

Here you see what the drive mainly was made up of.....Keegan tackling the huge jawbreaker sucker he bought. And yes, he finished it in the duration of our yellowstone trip.

Jaycee's first glimpse of a fake buffalo. She just had to hug it. :)

We went and set up our campsite and roasted hotdogs on the grill. so delish!

Being on the lake was really fun, it was a perfect day.

just eagerly awaiting the goodness to finish cooking......

Bryson and Keegan were INSANE and decided to jump into the FREEZING mountain water.  That lasted a whole three and a half minutes. It was quite funny.....I'm still trying to decide if the sounds they made were more like screaming or singing.......

We had to have a lesson on the dangers of wildlife with the kids before daring to go to far......

luckily we found this friend and guide to help us along and protect us from bears.

The kids loved the hotsprings/geysers. They really are quite fascinating.  

silly bryson........

We loved this sign so much............

so we decided to recreate it..........

It's amazing that something so beautiful can smell so bad!

Bryson was distraught with a sudden fear of heights as he looked down on yellowstone's grand canyon! Boy- what a view!!!!!!!!

This waterfall was so gorgeous, it didn't even look real. SUCH an incredible view.

There were these yellow flowers absolutely everywhere. So gorgeous.

we found them! a herd of buffalo!

Can you spot the buffalo in this picture....i mean, besides Bryson?

Jaycee will help you find them. :)

It was really a fun trip! At least, I enjoyed myself so hopefully everyone else did too.  It's such a beautiful park, you can't not enjoy the scenery and wildlife! So much fun!  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hey There Porter! Nashville Tribute comes to Rexburg......

So, Deseret Book sponsored a concert from the Nashville Tribute Band in Rexburg.  Bryson and I LOVE them, so we decided to surprise Keegan and Jaycee with tickets to the show.  We all had so much fun, it was one of the best concerts I have ever been too.  Jaycee and Keegan seemed to really enjoy it too.  They are seriously incredible. If you don't have their cd's, buy them now!  They have a tribute to the prophet Joseph, one to Trek and one to The Work.  All three are awesome.

Katherine Nelson, the woman who played Emma in both Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration and The Emma Smith movie is part of the band. She has such a beautiful voice!

Jaycee and I had to get a picture with Katherine afterwards! Love her!

A Visit From Jaycee and Keegan :)

We had so much fun when Jaycee and Keegan came up to Rexburg for a week, the next couple blogs will be about our adventures with them.  :)  We spent the first few days around know, tours of campus, bowling, playing at the park, etc.  It was pretty much a blast!

The beautiful Rexburg temple

We showed them the BYU I-center, they were pretty impressed.

Next, an exploration of the gardens...

Ultimate frisbee in the park. :)

Bowling!  We had so much fun eating pizza and showing off our amazing moves.

Sunday night baking! :) yummmmmmm!